What is PhoeniXS?
Welcome to PhoeniXS: Recall, Reflect, Repent, Renew! In light
of the recent Lenten Season, SY 2022-2023’s Grade 9 Batch has
partnered with the XSN CLE Department to launch their Youth Capstone
Project meant to revive the spirit of Christianity and Community in
the hearts of all students. Through this event, we aim to reignite the
youth’s passion for God through artistic performances made by and done
for fellow adolescents. Join us in the spirit of community and be one
with our school as we experience the passion of the Grade 9 Batch
When exactly does this take place?
The official concert will take place on Friday, March 16th at the
school’s oratory. It will be held after JHS class hours, from 2:45 pm
to4:15 pm You may come earlier if you wish, though do take note the
time we have before the program will be dedicated to test runs and
Is this a JHS-only event?
Though our main target for this program is to ignite the spirits of
JHS Students, the oratory’s doors will still be open to only
parents of G9 students thanks to scheduling.
Are we allowed to bring our own Food and/or Drinks?
Everyone is allowed and highly encouraged to bring their own water
bottles for this event, though Food in the Oratory, though not
Will this be a Yearly Event?
PhoeniXS itself is a SY 2022-2023 exclusive event, though Christian
Youth evnts will still be done yearly through succeeding Grade 9
Capstone Projects. We hope te the spirit of Christianity and Community
durng Lenten season prolongs even after this event closes. Luceat Lux!